Sunday, August 22, 2010

Networking for Poets?

I'm looking for a good group/forum for networking and trading criticism with other poets. Any good suggestions?

Networking for Poets?
Http:// Perphaps. Search poets under groups.
Reply:Hi, gleamchaser. My name is Hank. I want to warn you up front--poetry is an addiction. I started writing in 1977, and have not been able to pen the World's greatest novel because of it. Just kidding, not about the novel though.

Why don't you start a group/forum for the networking, criticism and communication with other poets?

I would join. I'm a serious about my writing, but I am absolutely the dumbest person in the world when it comes to computers. I'm surprised my p.c. doesn't explode every time my fingers start waltzing over its keys.

I currently have a Yahoo 360 page, and that's where I post my poetry. I use the blog that's available for the customers of Yahoo. I think it is an invaluable gift, but I don't know if it's the best medium.

If you are computer-savvy, maybe you could help us who aren't as literate as you. I've been waiting for someone to begin a forum or group like this.

Every time I try to do something like this--I get almost to the end in the start-up and clumsily touch a wrong key, or don't blink my eyes to please or cross my toes right... Something happens to what I have managed to accomplish so far and off my work goes to be eaten by the program monsters lurking hereabout, never to be seen again. Alas.

I love to write. I love the act of creating something from just twenty-six letters and my imagination. I think that's what God invented poets for. Do you have i.m.? I do, but I really don't know how I got it. One day I was checking stuff out, when this new communication medium magically made itself known to me.

So, gleamchaser, if you would be so kind as to check my 360 page out, you might be able to sense how serious I am about writing. You can reach me at I try to answer all emails I get. It's a curse I was taught in school.

I must warn you again--some people call me the english nazi, intentional small e. Is that an oxymoron? Or, is that a moron without the oxy? So... I probably make more mistakes than I care to admit, but I don't mind admitting my mistakes--God, blessed me with plenty of talent in that particular area.

Hank Feral

this link will lead you to a ton of online workshops...

good luck and good writing!

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