Sunday, August 22, 2010

Networking Vista Starter And XP?

I have a switch or a hub I have it connected to my 2 laptps and 1 comp. I have used the home networking and it works fine for my computer and laptop and file sharing works but my second laptop is vista starter I cant send files or share then from my xp computer to this vista . However the internet works fine on this vista laptop

I can access the other computers from this vista laptop but not from my Windows XP Machines

Networking Vista Starter And XP?
Find the IP addresses of the computers

Start --%26gt;Run (or holod windows key and press "R")


ipconfig /all

Write down the IP address of the Vista computer

In XP, Run the Network Setup Wizard

Start--%26gt;Programs--%26gt;Acessories--%26gt;COmuni... Setup Wizard

In the Wizard, Enable File and Printer Sharing and give the XP computer a name and change the WOrkgroup to "Workgroup" (the default Vista Workgroup).

Now open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) and in the address bar type "\\{IP address of Vista Computer}"



The SMB shares on Vista should Appear if File Sharing was enabled on Vista.

You can Mount the Network Drive to the OS root. In Windows Explorer, Tools--%26gt;Map Network Drive

Assign a drive letter

under address - type

\\{IP address of Vista}\{shared folder name}



Check Reconnect at Logon and Click OK - the shared folder name is important or it won't work. Enter username and password.

You can assign Static DHCP if your router supports it or plain Static IP addresses In Vista and XP, because DHCP IP addresses can change depending on which computer is on at the time. If Static IP, be sure to enter in the Gateway IP and DNS server IP or you won't get internet. The IP for Both fields should be the LAN IP of your router.

Do the same thing in Vista to access the XP shares (make note of the XP IP address)


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